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Monday, April 4, 2011

Banana in Parisian cream

Banana in Parisian cream - recipe
300 g cooking chocolate
300 ml whipping cream
100 g caster sugar
100 g butter
1 bag tart pure gelatin (10 g)
3 to 4 bananas
BB Marino biscuits or BB

Heat the day before with frequent stirring boiling point of whipping cream with powdered sugar, butter and broken chocolate and mix until a thick cream, but I warned you. When cool, cover with cream and store in refrigerator. The next day the mixture whisk, add the gelatin prepared according to the instructions and even stir. On a smaller pan lay out a layer of biscuits, then top half of the cream, the cream lay out bananas sliced ​​lengthwise, rub with cream and cover with remaining biscuits. Dessert place in a second day to solidify in the refrigerator (preferably overnight) to biscuits softened. On the second day dessert cut into slices the size of biscuits.

Banana in Parisian cream - recipe

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